Tuesday, 27 April 2010 06:16

Sparx Systems sponsors 30th ISO/TC 211 meeting

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ISO/TC 211 develops and maintains standards in digital geographic information, using Enterprise Architect to represent information models. Enterprise Architect has been widely adopted for UML modeling within the geospatial community.

On Monday the  24th of May there will be an Interoperability Workshop, to present examples of  the application of International Standards in national projects. It is open to non delegates and free of charge.  Registration is required to attend the event.

For further information please visit the ISO/TC website: http://www.isotc211.org

To access the Geospatial Harmonized Model EAP files, follow this link: http://www.isotc211.org/hmmg/EArchitect/2015/



Read 8876 times Last modified on Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:51

Sparx Systems

99 Albert Street
P: +61 3 5345 1140
F: +61 3 5345 1104
Sparx Systems specializes in high performance and scalable visual modeling tools for the planning, design and construction of software intensive systems. A Contributing Member of the Object Management Group (OMG), Sparx Systems is committed to realizing the potential of model-driven development based on open standards. The company’s flagship product, Enterprise Architect, has received numerous accolades since its commercial release in August, 2000. Enterprise Architect is the design tool of choice for over 740,000 registered users worldwide.

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