We noticed many teams thrash around trying to figure out Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) on their own? So we are offering some help and guidance. Please read this!
And we are bundling an MBSE workshop with our SysML course this month. Please see offer below.
The OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 2day Intensive US$ 779
Wed, Jun 19 to Thu, Jun 20, 2013
2-day Instructor-led, hands-on online course
Uses Enterprise Architect (EA) v.10
What you will LEARN
Workshop: Implement Highly Effective MBSE - A 7-Part Strategy US$ 1,299
Wed, Jun 26 to Thu, Jun 27, 2013
2-day Expert-led, online advanced hands-on workshop
Uses SysML with Enterprise Architect (EA) v.10
What you will LEARN
Bundle special price if you register by June 12th, 2013 US$ 1,299
Committed to your professional education,
The Cephas Training Team
Authorized Training Partner for Sparx Systems
The full Cephas course catalog
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Phone 866.433.3183 #101