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Friday, 07 June 2013 05:54

Sparx Systems Supports GML

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The Geography Markup Language (GML), adopted as an International Standard (ISO19136) in 2007, is an XML grammar used to express geographical features. As a modeling language for geographic systems, GML also serves as encoding to transport and store geographic information.

The inter-dependancy of energy management and supply, geospatial and architecture, engineering and construction sectors is a factor that is essential to the success of the SmartGrid. Standards enable data interoperability between the stakeholders and the OASIS eMIX (Energy Market Information Exchange) standard uses the OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard. 

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CIM (Common Information Model) standard is "harmonized" with WXXM (Weather Information Exchange Model), which is an industry profile based on GML. Sparx Systems' recent release of UML to GML underscores our support for standards and standards development to enable efficient geospatial communication within smart grids and between smart grids and "neighboring" activities such as emergency response, disaster management, urban planning and building energy management.

Sparx Systems is a UCAiug and OGC member. More information can be found at:  




Read 11831 times Last modified on Friday, 07 June 2013 06:26

Sparx Systems

99 Albert Street
P: +61 3 5345 1140
F: +61 3 5345 1104
Sparx Systems specializes in high performance and scalable visual modeling tools for the planning, design and construction of software intensive systems. A Contributing Member of the Object Management Group (OMG), Sparx Systems is committed to realizing the potential of model-driven development based on open standards. The company’s flagship product, Enterprise Architect, has received numerous accolades since its commercial release in August, 2000. Enterprise Architect is the design tool of choice for over 740,000 registered users worldwide.

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