Tutorials (168)
Tutorials can be used to become more productive and efficient in the use of Enterprise Architect. Tutorials, getting started guides, videos and workbooks can all be used to explain concepts and assist others in realizing the power and flexibility of using Enterprise Architect. Use this link to submit tutorials, training material, example workbooks and quick start guides.
Thursday, 14 January 2021 14:29
How can I show messages between independent BPMN processes?
Written by DT_Sam
Subscriber Questions: How can I show messaging between BPMN processes? We regularly get asked questions by our YouTube subscribers and recently one we were asked by someone how they could show messaging between independent processes using Enterprise Architect. In the clip shown below, and after some serious beard stroking, I look at using a high-level collaboration diagram to demonstrate the connectivity between the processes, which was my initial gut reaction. After some additional consideration of the question I also look at an approach using the conversation diagram in conjunction with model elements and lower level choreographies as a way to…
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The first video of our CodeBot 201 tutorial series walks you through defining a domain model for a Fantasy Football app, and using CodeBot to instantly transform the domain model into a complete MongoDB database and REST API: How easy is it to generate a working database and API from an EA domain model? Really, really easy... This video will show you how in less than 3 minutes…which is about how long it takes for you to try it yourself. In our example, your app can show video of the players scoring touchdowns in near real-time In this…
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Wednesday, 09 December 2020 07:31
How to Validate your Enterprise Architect BPMN Models
Written by Jonathan Thöne
How to Validate your Enterprise Architect BPMN Models The BPMN notation is a good way to specify processes, may it be the workflow for a specific task or entire business processes. Such models may grow very large and you can easily lose track of certain details such as model correctness. Figure 1 shows an example for a BPMN model (using the BPMN 2.0 MDG Technology), a process for resolving problems which are reported via a ticket system. Fig 1: BPMN Process example modelled with the Enterprise Architect (example source: OMG). Do you see the Error? Maybe you’ve noticed…
Thursday, 03 December 2020 18:53
Tutorial: How to create a full-stack React Bootstrap UI from your EA model in under 10 minutes
Written by doug rosenberg
How to create a full-stack React Bootstrap UI in under 10 minutes A tutorial and reference on designing a complete web application and generating it with CodeBot UX by Matt Stephens, Parallel Agile This article was originally published here: https://medium.com/parallel-agile-blog/create-a-full-stack-react-bootstrap-ui-in-under-10-minutes-d0eec3077618 CodeBot from Parallel Agile is a full-stack application generator, which can also host your generated application in the cloud. Give CodeBot a domain model and UI wireframes, and it’ll create: a React web UI a MongoDB database a Node/Express.js REST API, optionally secured using JWT API client libraries — currently Java and JavaScript, with other languages set to be released…
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Working with the Repository.CurrentSelection written by Phil Chudley, Principle Consultant at Dunstan Thomas Consulting Overview When developing a script of an extension a fairly common requirement is to process a set of selected elements. This can be achieved using either GetTreeSelectedElements (for a selection in the Project Browser), or SelectedObjects (for a selection on a Diagram). These work well enough, but there appears to be no method for processing a selection of Diagrams or Packages within the Project Browser, or a selection that contains a mixture of Diagrams, Elements and Packages. You may not need to process such a selection…
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Monday, 24 February 2020 13:12
Online Training Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Written by Bert Dingemans
Sparx Enterprise Architect is a powerful modeling tool for many types of modelers. For every modeling community Enterprise Architect offers numerous modeling languages like UML, ArchiMate, SysML and BPMN It has numerous features and functionalities that aid modelers in their day to day modeling tasks. However for modellers new to Enterprise Architect the tool can be confusing because of the vast amount of functionalities and modeling concepts. To overcome the steep learning curve a new online training is available on Udemy, see https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-sparx-enterprise-architect/ Udemy is an online learning environment where you can register for this online training course. This Enterprise…
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Wednesday, 19 February 2020 20:52
How to Create Project-specific Code Generators for Enterprise Architect Easily
Written by Martin Hentschel
unsplash-logoMr Cup / Fabien Barral Have you ever wanted to generate code from your Enterprise Architect UML or SysML models? Have you tried to customize Enterprise Architect’s code template framework? Do not give up the dream of project-specific code generators and read how easily they can be implemented. The Need for a Code Generator A good software or system architecture is on a higher abstraction level compared to the implementation. It should be a consistent model that documents decisions and neglects unnecessary, often technical, details. Consider, for instance, the class diagram in Figure 1. It shows a domain model that defines…
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Diagram Layers As I'm sure we all know by now EA 15.1 is available for registered users to get to grips with. Like a kid in a candy store I went & grabbed it right away so that I could play with one of the new features in particular...diagram layers. I was particularly keen to get to grips with this feature as recently I have been building up some beefy BPMN 2.0 Collaboration diagrams for some of our internal processes here at Dunstan Thomas. The challenge I was facing was how do I communicate a large process to a stakeholder…
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PHP has a very powerful session handling mechanism. By default it uses files, but you can use MemCache, MemCached or Redis, too and in some cases SQLite could be an option. These scenarios are provided with simple configuration settings. But if you have a Windows infrastructure then some of these "sounds-easy" scenarios do not really work. MemCache, MemChached are out-dated, Redis is not really available for Windows and the port from Microsoft is depricated. SQLite does not provide Row-Level-Locking mechanism that is required for a transaction intensive way of session handling. So I thought it is clever to use an…
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Anatomy of an Executable Architecture A few months ago, we released the Parallel Agile Add-in for Enterprise Architect. This add-in gives Enterprise Architect users a unique opportunity to save substantial amounts of time in building the database infrastructure for your project, because you can now generate it automatically from a domain model (class diagram). What gets generated includes database access functions, an API to access the database, API documentation of, and some client side code that shows you how to call the API - what we're calling an Executable Architecture. Our first target platform is MongoDB and Node.JS (aka…
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Friday, 26 July 2019 05:40
The Ultimate Guide to upgrade to Sparx Enterprise Architect 15
Written by Arshad Ahamed
Sparx Systems has recently released its latest version of Enterprise Architect 15. Sparx Systems have added various new features in this version. Here is a guide with list of menus, frequently used by EA practitioners would be very helpful. This ultimate guide focuses highly up on how to access those frequently used options from menu bars along with some shortcuts. Since there are many changes in menus for frequently used options like Package Baseline, Export/Import of XMI, Linked Documents and others. You can also find the full comparison between Enterprise Architect version 13.5, 14 and 15 in the below link.…
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Images Assets and Custom Diagrams in EA 15 Using images to add relevance to any architecture diagram is a very common practice. Enterprise Architect has always supported modellers to set ‘Alternate Image’ or ‘Default Image’ for elements to create such diagrams. However the users have always sought for an ability to manage a set of image assets in a catalogue and reuse it across multiple diagrams. The New approach in EA 15 to manage and reuse images in diagrams is a significant enhancement. The ‘Image Asset’ element lets users create a model item to store an image. These items can…
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Monday, 15 July 2019 05:12
How does a code generator enable large-team parallel development?
Written by doug rosenberg
One of our biggest challenges at Parallel Agile is explaining how two apparently unrelated aspects of our business are actually very closely related. Specifically, how our domain driven database and API generator (aka Parallel Agile CodeBot) enables the Parallel Agile Process, which allows large teams of developers to collaborate more efficiently and breaks the “two pizza rule” on team size. To understand how the CodeBot enables large-scale parallel development we need to go back to Brooks’ Law, the widely believed postulate that you can’t accelerate a software project by throwing more developers at it. Fred Brooks identified some key reasons…
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Friday, 21 June 2019 19:40
Let’s get specific about what Parallel Agile CodeBot™ Generates
Written by doug rosenberg
We've just released a major upgrade to the Parallel Agile CodeBot. As you might already know, CodeBot generates database schema, database access functions, and a REST API to access the database from a UML domain model. But you might not know specifically how the class diagram is interpreted during code generation. Here’s a simple domain model for a video editor that allows you to annotate an image for machine learning. This example only uses Aggregation, but several other relationships are possible. The table below explains how CodeBot interprets what’s on the diagram. You should find Composition useful for creating…
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