Tutorials (168)
Tutorials can be used to become more productive and efficient in the use of Enterprise Architect. Tutorials, getting started guides, videos and workbooks can all be used to explain concepts and assist others in realizing the power and flexibility of using Enterprise Architect. Use this link to submit tutorials, training material, example workbooks and quick start guides.
When to consider the use of ArchiMate? The Open Group recently released the ArchiMate 2.1 specification; I think that there are five principle reasons to consider using the notation to describe the architecture of your enterprise. By design, ArchiMate is focused toward: Providing a high-level of abstraction Facilitating the construction of a layered enterprise architecture Illustrating how business concepts are supported by IT systems, comprising both hardware and software Tracing stakeholder concerns through to their realization by the enterprise architecture Showing the possible, and actual, evolution of an enterprise architecture through a number of recognizable intermediate states. How does ArchiMate…
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Tuesday, 08 September 2015 20:47
Using the Database Builder to import a DB Schema as enumerations classes
Written by Guillaume
As part of an EA add'in implementation, I had to import all Enterprise Architect table and column names in enumeration classes. Having access to a database that stores a Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect project (e.g. MySQL, SQL Server, or even an EAP file via ODBC), there was a number of ways to populate enumeration classes with literal values using a small application in C# or another programming language. As Enterprise Architect 12 includes the Database Builder, an integrated tool to work on DB schemas, I took the opportunity to use it. Compared with the result of a C# application, this …
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MDG Office Integration for excel supports the following Import from Excel Importing artifacts from MS Excel documents Synchronizing subsequent changes (additions, modifications) from the MS Excel document into EA Export to Excel Export Enterprise Architect contents into a (pre-formatted) Excel spreadsheet Please follow the following steps to try synchronization Import an Excel document using the profile defined for the respective worksheet Check ‘Enable Synchronization’ in the Importer dialog You will be prompted with the following dialog You can request EA to write sync data into the original file that is imported Or write the synch data to a backup file…
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A library of tutorial videos is now available for the Enterprise Architect tool, BEASI. The videos are 2-4 minutes long and explain in detail how each function of the software plug-in works. The videos can be used as reference points or as a tutorial session to gain more of an understanding of how BEASI works and how it could be useful in your EA work. Topics covered are Repository and ADM Example, Generate Gap Diagrams, Relationship Matrix, amongst others. All videos can be found here: http://www.biner.se/beasi/beasi-tutorial-videos
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Monday, 12 January 2015 11:18
Working with BPMN 2.0 in Enterprise Architect version 11 / 12
Written by philchudley
Introduction In versions 11 and 12 of Enterprise Architect several changes have been made to BPMN 2.0 which affects the way that modellers use this notation and in particular how the repository must be structured. An excellent video which summarises these changes is available at http://www.sparxsystems.com/resources/webinar/partners/bpmn/bpmn-introduction-cephas.html This article summarises these changes and presents a Tutorial so that you can have a hands-on experience of these changes and hence model effectively using BPMN 2.0 and Enterprise Architect versions 11 and 12. Since Collaboration and Process diagrams are the diagrams most commonly used in Business Process Modelling, this article concentrates on these…
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Thursday, 20 November 2014 11:59
Learn through pictures: Fundamentals of HTML Reporting
Written by colin.coates
Introduction Version 11 of Sparx Enterprise Architect included significantly enhanced reporting facilities. This was worthy of some celebration, and so I contributed an article to the Sparx Community that illustrated the improvements through a couple of UML diagrams. This was quite well received, and resulted in me being featured in a Community Author Spotlight on sparxsystems.com (thanks, Scott)! Subsequently, Sparx ran a fresh Webinar on the basics of reporting, with more advanced topics to follow. Emboldened by all this action around reporting on models using the functionality that's already built into Sparx Enterprise Architect, I decided to apply immersive language…
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This tutorial is about a strange corner of UML - and of EA - which you may have noticed, but perhaps not used. But it's one which has a surprising power to make your models easier to understand and to manage, AND which can deliver new insights to your stakeholders. Instance Classifier The Instance Classifier relationship has a special status in EA, but it's special in a way we can use to our advantage, without necessarily knowing what it means in deep UML-speak (which is beyond both the scope of this article, and the authors knowledge). If you come across…
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Introduction Specification Manager introduced in Enterprise Architect 11, provides a simple document view for editing and maintaining model elements in Enterprise Architect. Specification Manager's Word Processor like interface makes it easier for the key stake holders and business users to contribute and maintain the model elements. This document intends to peek into the features of Specification Manager and how its combination with other Enterprise Architect's features and plugins makes Enterprise Architect a powerful Application Life Cycle Modeling tool, especially in the area of Requirements and Use Case management. The disruptive innovations like Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud are forcing…
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Monday, 28 April 2014 20:50
Sparx Enterprise Architect project browser script: find the classifier of an object, port, part or attribute
Written by Guillaume
Early this month, I published a script to sort elements from a selected package by the alias name. This article provides another project browser script that finds and selects the classifier for an instance or a class attribute, or the property type for a SysML port or part. Sparx Enterprise Architect makes it possible to find from a diagram an instance classifier with a right click > Find > Locate Classifier in Project Browser, or a SysML port/part's classifier with a right click > Find > Locate Property Type in Project Browser. As there isn't any similar feature from the…
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 10:34
Enhancements to Generate Documentation in Sparx Enterprise Architect version 11
Written by colin.coates
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect version 11 is very close to being released (I am currently using Release Candidate 2), and promises a host of new and improved functionality. It’s a good time to revisit the built-in reporting, and reflect on how the stepwise improvements during the Enterprise Architect 10 release series have been rolled-up into a streamlined user experience… Improving the dialogue You can right-click on a model root in the Project Browser and view the improved Generate Documentation dialog window. In particular, you will see that the Generate tab contains some additional fields to enable the easy selection of:…
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Sunday, 09 March 2014 15:19
Code Generation in Enterprise Architect using CodeTrigger Plugin
Written by Jack Ndupuechi
This is a short tutorial showing all the steps leading up to the generation of a fully functioning asp .net application from a sample Microsoft SQL database schema in Enterprise Architect, using CodeTrigger for Enterprise Architect, without writing a single line of code. The approach used is also applicable to Oracle and MySql databases, and WPF / WCF / Winforms applications. [Get the plugin here]
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Tagged Values are a convenient way of adding additional information to an element, beyond what is directly supported by Enterprise Architect. Enterprise Architect defines a Tagged Value Type, which constrains the possible values of a tag and can specify how a value is assigned to the tag. This user guide provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to create various predefined tagged Values and add them to an Enterprise Architect element. Click here to read the Tutorial Document.
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Please follow this link to view Enterprise Architect Tips - Compilation 1 Tip #31: Diagram Relationships Visible Use "Diagram | Advanced | Visible Relations" to change visibility of the connectors in a diagram. Tip #32: Exclude images from RTF document Use Diagram | Properties "Exclude image from RTF documents" to exclude the diagram images from any RTF document generated on the parent package or element. Tip #33: Play Up Elements Use Context Filter(Right-Click on the diagram background) to play up the elements on the diagram that are directly related to the selected element. Tip #34: Set Direction for Association Use…
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Thursday, 19 September 2013 11:26
Using Visual Styles in Enterprise Architect to Improve Diagram Appearance
Written by Guillaume
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is a great tool to produce and organise your models using UML, SysML, BPMN or other modelling languages or notations. In some cases, the default rendering of elements on certain types of diagrams lacks a suitable colour scheme and font. This article deals with two topics : Highlight the strengths of Enterprise Architect as a modelling tool versus that of a drawing tool, Applying visual styles to improve the look and feel of your diagrams. A vital switch from a drawing tool to a comprehensive modelling tool Initial context : A colleague and I discovered a…