
Tutorials (168)

Tutorials can be used to become more productive and efficient in the use of Enterprise Architect. Tutorials, getting started guides, videos and workbooks can all be used to explain concepts and assist others in realizing the power and flexibility of using Enterprise Architect. Use this link to submit tutorials, training material, example workbooks and quick start guides.

Thursday, 30 August 2018 00:49

Drag and Drop Requirements from Text Documents

Use Requirements Documents to Create Elements in Enterprise Architect. In their early states, requirements are often described in MS Word documents. Using Enterprise Architect, modelers can save themselves time and effort by dragging text descriptions onto a Requirements diagrams, which Enterprise Architect then uses to automatically create requirements elements with titles and descriptions.     To do this, select the header and requirement description in an external application like MS Word. Drag and drop the text description onto a Requirements diagram. The first line of text is given to the element name. Any other lines of text are assigned to…
Using Keyboard Shortcuts with Enterprise Architect Extension Menus by Phil Chudley, Principal Consultant at Dunstan Thomas Consulting Background Extensions written for Enterprise Architect often define menus to invoke functionality, and although a short cut of the form Alt+character can be defined by prefixing the character in the menu option with &, this does not work as a keyboard shortcut. After digging around a bit, I have discovered a work-around so that defined keyboard shortcuts can invoke menu options. In this article I will explain through a simple example how to use this work-around in your EA Extension. This example has…
Sparx Systems has released Enterprise Architect 14. Sparx Systems have added various new features in this version. It is high time for Enterprise Architect users to upgrade from Enterprise Architect 13.5 to Enterprise Architect 14. We thought a guide with list of menus, frequently used by EA practitioners would be very helpful. This ultimate guide focuses highly up on how to access those frequently used options from menu bars along with some shortcuts. Since there are many changes in menus for frequently used options like Package Baseline, Export/Import of XMI, Linked Documents and others. Below table shows comparison between Enterprise…
Monday, 22 January 2018 12:58

Cloud Services & Sparx Pro Cloud | Encrypted Connection String

Peter Lieber
If you want to connect Enterprise Architect with Cloud Services or Pro Cloud Server - where no user credentials are part of connection string - because you should use IIS for authentification - then it may make sense to encrypt the Connection String as it is possible with DBMS Connection Strings. Here is how to make that possible: First connect to a Cloud Service/Pro Cloud Server: Enterprise Architect opens the project - so to see and modify the connection string Open the Project Open dialog - Editing the Connection String shows the details: RAS --- ;Connect=Cloud=protocol:http,address:,port:804;Data Source=RAS;DSN=RAS; Now save the…
Thursday, 14 December 2017 20:34

Getting started with EA4BI

Rudi Claes
EA4BI is an enterprise architecture framework focused on Business Intelligence (BI). The EA4BI toolkit is available as a free extension (MDG technology) for Sparx Enterprise Architect. This tutorial shows how to install EA4BI and create a sample viewpoint.
Monday, 30 October 2017 06:00

HTML Report 2, Electric Boogaloo

HTML Report 2, Electric Boogaloo As a sequel to my previous article on how to edit the CSS generated by Enterprise Architect to personalise your generated HTML report I was prompted by Guillaume to create this follow up as he gave me an idea on how to make these changes prior to generation. As we have already identified the changes that we need to make in the previous article we can actually create our own customised version of the CSS EA would use and specify that this is then used as we create our HTML report. So how do we…
Editing an HTML report generated from Enterprise Architect using CSS Introduction This article will walk you through the process of making a couple of simple tweaks to your HTML Report generated from Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. So what's the challenge here? If you have ever needed to create a quick and simple report to walk a colleague or stakeholder through certain aspects of your model, then by far the quickest and easiest route is to generate an HTML Report from EA. This will create an HTML version of your project locally that can be navigated & drilled down into (but…
Thursday, 12 January 2017 09:14

Requirements Checklists

Requirements Checklist by Phil Chudley, Principal Consultant There is a hidden gem in Enterprise Architect (I am using version 13), but this gem is available in previous versions (I believe version 11 and version 12). This is an element called a Requirements Checklist, although it could be used as a checklist for other elements. A Requirements Checklist allows the modeller to create a list of check-boxes, which can be used against an element (or elements), to manage at least the following: Element completeness. Element quality. This article introduces the Requirements Checklist and illustrates how such an element can be used…
Friday, 02 December 2016 12:03

How to use the Relationship Matrix

Above all else one of the most recurring questions Dunstan Thomas Consulting has encountered from clients over the years is "How do we use the Relationship Matrix?" With that in mind we've got a short clip on how you can start effectively putting the Relationship Matrix into use for yourself...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miiWN5PBuk0&t=30s   Sam NiceOnline Training, Marketing & Product SpecialistDunstan Thomas Consulting@DTUML   
Friday, 02 December 2016 11:58

What's new with ArchiMate 3.0 & EA v.13?

ArchiMate 3.0 by Phil Chudley, Principal Consultant at Dunstan Thomas Consulting   The Open Group released the official specification of ArchiMate 3.0 in June 2016, and this new specification is supported in Enterprise Architect version 13. This article summarises the new features and changes within ArchiMate 3.0 and provides an example of how to migrate an existing ArchiMate 2.0 model to ArchiMate 3.0 model using Enterprise Architect v.13. Summary of Changes The following is a summary of the changes made within ArchiMate 3.0: Motivation Extension; New element for modelling Outcomes. New set of Strategy Elements, Resource, Capability, Course of Action.…
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