The slidedeck of the presentation about EA and version control as presented during the London EA usergroup event of may 2017.
Feel free to contact me for any additional questions
Dennis Geluk
The slidedeck of the presentation about EA and version control as presented during the London EA usergroup event of may 2017.
Feel free to contact me for any additional questions
Dennis Geluk
Dennis is a senior information analyst and partner at DiVetro in the Netherlands. He has over 15 years of experience in IT. During this period he has fulfilled a broad spectre of roles at different customers.
Being a certified UC2.0 coach Dennis helped numerous customers in implementing the UC2.0 practice and improving company requirements standards and guidelines with agile elements. Currently Dennis is working at KLM as an information analyst and coach iwithin a project that creates Apps for all outside staff of KLM.
Over the years Dennis has worked with a variety of case tools. He has been using different versions of Enterprise Architect and always tries to get the best out of the use of a case tool.
Dear reader,
I'm testing EA13 and especially the time aware modelling, which is a sort of supported versioning in my opinion, but because the user can make too much misstakes I want to withdraw the right of cloning elements and diagrams for the common user. How can I achieve this ? The option in the rights to unselect the version rights doesn't work, in my test environment.
Any suggestion ??
regards Jörg
Thank you for posting this slide deck. I think one of the really big advantages of Option 3 (i.e., version control repository), which you do not mention, is the much better performance remote users will likely see especially if they need to access their models over a WAN. I am a user, located in the US, accessing a model repository in a DBMS (MySQL) located in UK and performance is awful.