Friday, 26 August 2016 09:47

EA Mapping tool => Who wants it?

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I’m thinking about developing a mapping tool add-in for EA.
The idea is that you can manage a mapping between two types of (data) models. For example between your logical data model and your message model, or between your logical data model and your database model etc…

I already have a number of add-ins and scripts that somehow create traceability between models on element, attribute and association level, but I don’t have a tool yet to visualize and manage those traces.

To give you an idea the GUI of the thing could look similar to this:

mapping tool
Functions could include
– ability to add notes to each mapping
– ability to export the mapping to excel
– drag-n-drop to create mappings
– …
Now it seems to me like there could be many parties interested in such a tool.
I would like to develop this as a free and open source add-in (as I do for all my add-ins) but I’m still looking for sponsors.
My initial rough estimate for the development of such a tool is 15 man days.

I already have two parties that might be interested, but the more sponsors I can find the lower the price would get for each individual party.

So if you are interested in such a tool please let me know: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we might be able to work something out.

Read 5752 times Last modified on Sunday, 28 August 2016 23:56
Geert Bellekens

Geert Bellekens

Bellekens IT (Consultant)

Bellekens IT was founded in 2004 by Geert Bellekens and has a strong focus on UML, modelling and analysis methodology.

Geert Bellekens has helped several of the larger Belgian organizations to define and document their modelling method, train and coach the modelers and develop supporting tools.

Geert Bellekens is an acknowledged Enterprise Architect expert and has written numerous add-ins for Enterprise Architect, including the free open source EA Navigator and EA-Matic.

He is also one of the founding members and a regular speaker on the EA User Group events.
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