White Papers

White Papers (102)

White papers provide in-depth technical discussion and best practice guidance on a wide range of modeling topics. The information presented by industry experts from the user community will help you learn new approaches to modeling and solving real-world problems using Enterprise Architect.

The slidedeck of the presentation about EA and version control as presented during the London EA usergroup event of may 2017. Feel free to contact me for any additional questions   Dennis Geluk  
Overview Your organization is committed to Agile, Scrum and TDD. That’s not going to change.  But somehow things aren’t going as smoothly as you’d like. Your project is on the “underplanned” end of the spectrum and you feel like everything could be working more smoothly. If I’ve just described your current situation, then this article might be for you.  The Resilient Agile (RA) process combines Test Driven Development with Design Driven Testing, resulting in improved coverage for both unit and acceptance testing, and helps you plan your sprints better by introducing visual modeling of user stories, epics, and tasks.   RA…
Tuesday, 16 August 2016 21:34

Automated FMU Generation from UML Models

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Automated FMU Generation from UML Models   Original created by: Manuel Geier and Bernhard Sadransky (www.sysml4industry.org) Introduction The simulation of cyber-physical systems plays an increasingly important role in the development process of such systems. It enables the engineers to get a better understanding of the system in the early phases of the development. These complex systems are composed of different subsystems, each subsystem model is designed with its own specialized tool sets. Because of this heterogeneity the coordination and integration of these subsystem models becomes a challenge.The Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) specification was developed by an industry consortium as a tool independent…
Thursday, 11 August 2016 02:25

Branch / Merge with EA V13

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Anyone who has done code development in a team will be familiar with the idea of branching and merging. It’s a way to allow programmers to collaborate on a complicated set of code, without falling-over each other. Someone takes a copy (“branch”) of some code, modifies it, and merges it with the original copy when they are finished. Good code management systems help to see where their changes and those of others – who may have changed the same code - have caused problems, which is why branch/merge is how almost all coding teams work. This is only important to…
Wednesday, 03 February 2016 21:47

Introduction to the Database Builder

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Enterprise Architect’s Database Builder provides interactive connectivity to a DBMS,  supporting both the initial creation of a database and the ongoing update of tables, views, triggers and procedures – all from within the design model.   This tutorial paper works through a simple database example (attached in .ZIP file) using the Database Builder to create tables within a new Database, then make modifications in both the model and the Database and use the compare functionality to update the Database and the model respectively.
A UML/MOF METAMODEL FOR HATLEY-PIRBHAI SYSTEM SPECIFICATION An UnCOOL situation Figure 1: Uncool TeamWork, was a structured engineering tool for requirements documentation and systems design of real-time and embedded software. Sterling Software acquired TeamWork from Cayenne Software way back in October 1998, and subsequently re-named it to COOL:Teamwork. The tool provided (partial) support for building software models as described in the book Strategies for Real-Time System Specification by Derek J. Hatley and Imtiaz A. Pirbhai, ISBN 0-932633-11-0. COOL:Teamwork was used at a number of (public limited) companies, to model products targeted for the aeronautical and military (and maybe other) domains.…
Designing architecture Designing solution architecture is about making best possible choices in context of current requirements and constraints. Behind every architecture decision there is some context and every architect should document the reasons of important decisions that are made. This article will focus on how to document architectural decisions in the context of project requirements in Sparx Enterprise Architect. Value of architecture documentation As an architect one needs to document important issues, possible solutions and reasons for choosing one of the solutions. There are various reasons to document decisions in projects lifecycle: Reasoning that stood behind a choice will blur…
Since 2008 Sparx Systems has been supporting international communities to improve how spatial data is held by public authorities to support environmental policy. Enterprise Architect has been used to improve the harmonization of spatial data and facilitate the interoperability of spatial services, ensuring greater sharing of the data between public authorities and on-line access by the public. INSPIRE was founded on the basis of five issues that were identified as presenting obstacles to this objective: missing or incomplete spatial data, incomplete descriptions of spatial data, difficulty to combine different spatial data sets, inaccessibility of spatial data and various barriers to…
Monday, 27 April 2015 03:47

Sparx Systems - CIO Review Cover Story

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Cover Story Sparx Systems CEO & Founder, Geoffrey Sparks is featured on the Cover of the March Edition of the CIO Review. Learn more about Sparx Systems and how to master enterprise processes using Enterprise Architect. Sparx Systems’ inclusion in the CIO Review BPM Technology Special is based on its capability to provide technology solutions to streamline operations in a faster, less resource-intensive manner, while keeping costs under control. At the front of stage in this recognition is the Sparx Systems flagship product, Enterprise Architect, an integrated modeling, design and construction platform that is redefining business process modeling. The Enterprise…
Any business can benefit, from the solid foundation that standardization brings. The development of new technologies and opportunities, to share and enhance existing practices, are just two of the many benefits, to be derived. Furthermore the economies introduced by standardization dramatically reduce tooling and process duplication while increasing the competency of the work force while the efficiency and effectiveness of standards can ultimately save lives.However, for enduring economic health and prosperity, the adoption of standards that support interoperability between business partners, is essential. In recent history there has never been a period of standards development like that which we are…
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