White Papers (102)
White papers provide in-depth technical discussion and best practice guidance on a wide range of modeling topics. The information presented by industry experts from the user community will help you learn new approaches to modeling and solving real-world problems using Enterprise Architect.
When modeling joint task operations involving different organizational groups you need to have a consistent model approach. The Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM) Version 2.0 provides a framework that incorporates both DoDAF 2.0 and MODAF 1.2 frameworks. Although based on military frameworks, you can use UPDM to model any type of combined operations from domestic search and rescue through to combined force military operations. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of a UPDM model using Enterprise Architect.
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ABSTRACT For harmonisation of data, models are absolutely essential, enabling more automated, more change enabled, flexible and future proof technology. A model led implementation of energy transmission data is an effective way to ensure a standard approach to energy monitoring & marketing, and Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect hosts the Utilities Common Information Model.Being able to generate messages about electricity supply and energy markets using a combination of code and data generation from an enterprise model linked to the Utilities CIM, an OMG DDS implementation, and standard geospatial models is an efficient way to deliver large volumes of energy data messages…
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Seven ways to organise your EA models so that other people can understand them Ian Mitchell, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If you have spent many hours creating a great EA Model, hopefully you want the rest of your organisation to use it as well. But how can you make it readable? Or maybe have you just picked-up a model which you created a few years back, only to be baffled by your own work. What exactly was this model all about, and where has all that great stuff gone ? Or perhaps you’ve inherited a model from someone else who isn’t available to…
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Monday, 20 May 2013 21:55
Model Organization with Packages and the Package Diagram
Written by [email protected]
It is no coincidence that the package element in UML is represented by a folder icon, similar to directories in a file system Graphical User Interface (GUI). Packages are used to organize the elements of a model just as folders are used to organize files. The contents of a package are any kind of element that is part of a model, including other packages. Beyond that description there's not much more information on how to use packages in the UML specification. Since they are a general grouping thing, it is up to usage scenarios to suggest what the best practices…
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Wednesday, 24 April 2013 05:25
State Machine Simulation in Enterprise Architect
Written by sparxsystems
This paper introduces Enterprise Architect's simulation capabilities for State Machines by means of an example model. State Machine simulation can help you to verify that the run-time behavior of your designed system conforms to specification. In this paper, we explore an example 'Digital Clock' system model and bring to life several aspects of Enterprise Architect's State Machine simulation support.
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White Papers
Wednesday, 13 June 2012 00:00
Why You Need Excellent Documents - and How To Produce Them.
Written by eadocxjackie
This White Paper looks at ways to create project documents that improve project quality, provide readers with relevant, easily navigated information, and give new insights. Using EA and eaDocX, approaches are described that can bring our project communications into the 21st Century. This White Paper looks at ways to transform our project documents, helping readers to find and use information that is relevant to them. In both Waterfall and Agile developments, excellent documents can improve project quality and give new insights. New document capabilities allow authors to create high quality, accurate and targeted documents, and allow readers to navigate their…
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White Papers
Friday, 15 June 2012 00:00
Smart Grid - From System Trials to 'Business as Usual'
Written by Gillian Adens
Future Networks and Policy at Scottish & Southern Energy Power Distribution are researching new systems and building foundations for Smart Grid Networks. This paper tells of a journey based on a vision to introduce more formal modelling methods using an IT practice to allow the company to deliver business-driven end-to-end solutions that meet business needs.
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White Papers
Wednesday, 08 August 2012 00:00
Model Driven Development and Visual Execution Analysis
Written by sparxsystems
Enterprise Architect provides the facilities to create and edit models, to derive implementation code from models, and then to test and analyze the resulting software systems. This whitepaper shows how these activities can all be achieved within a single model driven development environment, and highlights the benefits of doing so. This paper covers Enterprise Architect's build, debug and testing features along with its Visual Execution Analysis tools. Together, these tools allow you to integrate your model with each and every phase of the software development lifecycle, thereby facilitating true Model Driven Development.
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Thursday, 05 January 2012 00:00
Risk and Issue Management using Enterprise Architect and eaDocX
Written by Jackie Mitchell
This paper considers the requirements for a robust project risk and issue management process and describes how Enterprise Architect and eaDocX can support this key project activity. Many projects use Enterprise Architect (EA) to store information about their projects: requirements, use cases, designs and other information. What is less common however is to use EA as the repository for ALL project information, replacing all the spreadsheets and reports which come along with a well-managed project. This document, one in a series on EA for Project Managers, looks at how risk and issue management and reporting can be automated, made more…
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White Papers
Wednesday, 19 October 2011 00:00
eMoflon: Leveraging EMF and Professional CASE Tools
Written by anthony.anjorin
In our paper (full version available at http://www.es.tu-darmstadt.de/download/publications/anjorin/als2011.pdf) we describe the reasons and background for our decision to switch to EA as our frontend for our meta-CASE tool eMoflon (www.moflon.org/emoflon). MOFLON supports standard compliant metamodeling, code generation andmodel transformations. Development started in 2002 and it has since then been used successfully in a number of case studies for various applications. In recent years, the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) has become a de facto standard, offering stableand well-tested components. In addition, numerous professional, industrial strength CASE tools have become increasingly affordable and open to extensions. We are convinced that it is…
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White Papers
Monday, 12 September 2011 00:00
Combining the Service Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) with Business Process Modeling Notation
Written by FrankTruyen
Describes the value of combining the Service Oriented Architecture notation provided by SOMF with the BPMN process modeling notation.
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The UML is a popular modeling notation for programmers, but it is little used by database developers. Nevertheless, the UML is highly effective for high-level conceptual data modeling. The UML notation avoids confusing database details, making it easier for business experts to understand data models. The suppression of details promotes deep thinking about data models, such as the use of abstract patterns. This talk explains the UML notation by comparison to IDEF1X.
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Enterprise Architect supports comprehensive functionality for modeling database structures. This paper covers the core features for data modeling over the full lifecycle of an application. The initial development of a system typically involves numerous levels of abstraction. Database modeling traditionally includes a well established three tiered approach: Conceptual Model Logical Model Physical Model This paper covers creating these models, interconnecting models on these levels, using MDA transforms for generating the Physical model from the Logical model, along with generating schema scripts for loading to your DBMS. It also covers the features for remodeling legacy systems including Reverse Engineering an existing…
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White Papers
Friday, 19 August 2011 00:00
The Master Class Series - Project Documentation Using Enterprise Architect
Written by Rossco
An important part of implementing Enterprise Architect, as an effective tool for agile analysis and design, is automating generation of project documentation. You need to be able to produce complex and stylised output and this has been a challenge for many. The first of a number of white papers, based on our Master Class training program, this paper looks at how to achieve complete project documents from within your Enterprise Architect models. Having now implemented EA as the tool for analysis and design, for over 11 organisations, I have found that a critical part of its adoption is the transition…
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