White Papers

White Papers (102)

White papers provide in-depth technical discussion and best practice guidance on a wide range of modeling topics. The information presented by industry experts from the user community will help you learn new approaches to modeling and solving real-world problems using Enterprise Architect.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 05:24

The Value of an Enterprise Information Model

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Background An enterprise architecture reduces the cost of operations, through reuse of standard pieces of technology, application and data, and network . However siloes of information in specialist corporate IT teams are not making it through to a central knowledge base, meaning that function and data are repeated in a string of parallel universes, that are not congruent, and have synergies that remain largely unexplored. Enterprise architectures are often seen as not addressing the coalface reality of reuse and accessibility of data and services. An Enterprise Information Model can address the gap between business and technology owners, practicality and principle,…
Sunday, 16 December 2012 23:07

An Overview of UPDM

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The Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM) is a modeling standard by The OMG that supports two popular defense frameworks. This whitepaper covers the core concepts behind modeling with UPDM using Enterprise Architect. When organizations work together on a strategic task, all interacting entities – from human resources to deployed systems – must be well coordinated to achieve the desired outcome. Strategic interactions can range from joint military operations, to cooperation between fire search and rescue task forces. UPDM provides an appropriate modeling framework for describing such interactions. This whitepaper explains how to model with UPDM using Enterprise Architect's MDG technology…
This animated version of the Goal-Driven Service Oriented Architecture (Goal-Driven SOA) process illustrates on a short case study how companies can capitalize on their business capabilities (*) in order to react swiftly and coherently to changes. Thanks to its reusable goal-driven business capability components - easily adaptable to changing requirements, the "Goal-Driven SOA" process aims at allowing companies to control execution of their processes and underlying SOA services then adapt them efficiently to targeted situations. In order to show how to align IT systems to changing decisions, this presentation illustrates a bridge from Business Goals to IT system components using…
Wednesday, 18 August 2010 09:58

Agile and Smart Modeling with UML and SysML

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This animated short case study of 18 diagram slides presentation illustrates how simple UML and SysML diagrams can be successfully used there to enhance requirement traceability till software architecture layers in order to better dealing with requirement changes using agile methods. Since a few years, companies try to customize the usage of Agile Methods ( Scrum, XP,...) in order to be able to deliver their products on time and on budget. One of the serious obstacles they meet using such methods is about informal and untraceable requirement gathering that causes extra costs along iterative development lifecycle. Gathering requirements on the…
Paper describing an Architectural approach to Semantic Interoperability and information protections using UML and UPDM. ASMG supports this approach using Enterprise Architect and its UPDM extension.
This document explains how version control concepts apply to Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and suggests best practices for establishing version control in shared and distribute. d modeling environments.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010 14:06

Data Mapping in UML

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It’s often the case that we need to map various attributes on entities into other entities. For example you might need to migrate data from one system to another and structurally the same concepts are held slightly differently. Documenting these mappings is not obvious in the UML, so below I’ve provided a simple example of how a composite structure diagram could be used to provide the mappings. Some notes have been added where conversions need to be performed and these could be represented more formally using diagram references to behavioural diagrams such as sequence or activity diagrams. This is quite…
Monday, 22 March 2010 15:21

Project Documentation with Enterprise Architect

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Overview It is not an easy step to go from reading about UML and UML tools to handling a real project documentation. In reality project documentation consists of documents in different formats: text, diagrams, presentations and lately even media files. We need a way to bind them all together. Enterprise Architect offers a solution with its common elements: Boundary, Text and Hyperlink. They are not talked much about but they are the key to the complete documentation set. Sample Project For illustration, I have created the Sample project. Its structure follows well defined project phases. Here they are, both in…
This document presents an overview of the modeling notation introduced by Michael Bell in his seminal book Service-Oriented Modeling - Service Analysis, Design and Architecture. SOMF provides a formal method of defining services at different levels of abstraction, along with a set of disciplines to guide practicing modelers. The overview focuses on the modeling facets, including meta-model concepts and notation, using sample diagrams for illustration.
Friday, 05 February 2010 21:27

eBook: Embedded Systems Development using SysML

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 Embedded Systems Development using SysML is not just an overview of the SysML modeling notation - it is a practical guide for systems engineers! The book provides a well defined approach to systems development, and applies it to a detailed example Audio Player system. In this e-book, author Doug Rosenberg introduces a new roadmap for embedded systems development – ICONIX Process for Embedded Systems. Each step of the process roadmap is clearly explained, and illustrated by example, using Sam Mancarella's Audio Player model constructed in the Systems Engineering edition of Enterprise Architect. Topics covered in the e-book include SysML modeling…
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