News (384)
The News section is used to submit information on all the latest Sparx Systems news, awards, upcoming events, partner offerings and updates. Use this link to submit the latest news, events and examples of Enterprise Architect in the media.
Monday, 17 October 2016 03:03
Sparx Systems: Productivity Solution Providers Top 20
Written by sparxsystems
Global publication CIOReview has identified Sparx Systems as a stand-out Productivity Solution Provider, including the company in their annual '20 Most Promising Productivity Solution Providers 2016' list. CIOReview has highlighted the importance of productivity solutions with the corporate landscape, citing that '... state-of-the-art productivity tools, no longer does an ‘upgrade’ from IT mean ‘rip-and-replace the infrastructure.’ Rather, it involves an easy add-on to the existing hardware, which seamlessly collaborates with the already functional, process-oriented software, without the high upfront capital expenses.' “We are happy to announce Sparx Systems as one among the 20 Most Promising Productivity Solution Providers 2016,” said Jeevan…
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Thursday, 13 October 2016 06:35
Award for Smart Grid Technology based on Enterprise Architect
Written by Peter Lieber
SparxSystems CE: Award for Smart Grid Technology Salzburg University of Applied Sciences recently received a Best Paper Award for its SGAM Toolbox for model-based engineering and evaluation of “smart grid” architectures. The Toolbox is an innovative extension developed for Enterprise Architect, the popular modeling platform produced by Sparx Systems. Vienna, Oct. 11, 2016 - An essential part of the coming energy revolution is the realization of an intelligent power network, the so-called “Smart Grid”. Back in 2014 the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences introduced its SGAM Toolbox, an add-in for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect that enables model-based development and evaluation…
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Tuesday, 27 September 2016 23:34
SD Times features Enterprise Architect: 'Why software tools need to adjust to the changing landscape of ALM'
Written by sparxsystems
Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect has been featured in a recently published SD Times article, Online and Social Media Editor Madison Moore identifies the emerging influence of DevOps and Agile within the ALM domain... and the software that is supporting Enterprises to master their future evolution. "Market disruptions such as mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as the digital and omnichannel trend as a whole, have contributed to this evolution of ALM. Once these disruptions happen in areas like DevOps and agile, they change the way companies build their applications." Enterprise Architect has been identified as a…
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Tuesday, 20 September 2016 10:30
Fresh Modeling Versioning with LemonTree
Written by Dr. Konrad Wieland
LieberLieber is proud to present a brand new Enterprise Architect tool named LemonTree (c). The most important function of this ground-breaking product is the diffing and merging of model versions. Now, you do not have to lock your packages. Just check-in your eap files in your version control system! Standard approaches use line- and text-based applications that do not suffice for graphic models. Only the finely-grained 3-way diffing algorithm that considers the model’s graph structure enables an exact comparison between two models. LemonTree highlights: Diff & Merge: Diffing and merging of Enterprise Architect models Model Versioning: Parallel editing of models…
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Monday, 12 September 2016 16:35
Enterprise Architect for Systems Engineers
Written by Ernest Stambouly
Enterprise Architect for Systems Engineers Learn The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) in 3 days Wednesday, Sept 21 | Friday, Sept 23, 2016 – 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT) Location: Online Course (GotoWebinar) Instructor-led hands-on course – uses Sparx' Enterprise Architect (EA) Seats are limited. Book before Tuesday, Sept 13th for a 10% Early Bird discount. REGISTER NOW FOR SYSML 3-DAY COMPREHENSIVE Committed to your professional education, The Cephas Training Team Authorized Training Partner for Sparx Systems Pty Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. US Toll Free 866.433.3183 #101 Phone 949-378-1138
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Monday, 12 September 2016 03:54
'Intelligently Architecting The Information Silos': CEO Geoffrey Sparks chats with CIOReview
Written by sparxsystems
In a candid interview with Arun Kant from CIOReview, Sparx Systems' CEO Geoffrey Sparks highlights how Enterprise Architecture has become an imperative for survival in the ever-changing and globalized corporate landscape. CIOReview has also included Sparx Systems in their '20 Most Promising Enterprise Architecture Technology Providers 2016' list, resulting from a robust selection process actioned by a highly qualified panel of domain experts. The in-depth interview with Geoffrey Sparks is the featured article in this month's edition of CIOReview, where Geoffrey discusses the Sparx Systems tradition of continual development of the Enterprise Architect platform, while maintaining the highly competitive…
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Saturday, 08 October 2016 00:55
Sparx Systems Releases Enterprise Architect 13
Written by sparxsystems
Sparx Systems is proud to announce the full release of Enterprise Architect Version 13. This groundbreaking build focuses on streamlining the user interface, agile teams, model management and parametric simulation. In its 15 years of continuous development, Enterprise Architect has become the pre-eminent visual modeling platform, bringing together all aspects of the development cycle. Its feature-set has evolved to provide traceability, from the initial design phase through to deployment, maintenance, testing and change control. Version 13 delivers significant new capabilities in these areas and delivers them, in a streamlined and agile interface. Enterprise Architect 13, represents many…
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I’m thinking about developing a mapping tool add-in for EA.The idea is that you can manage a mapping between two types of (data) models. For example between your logical data model and your message model, or between your logical data model and your database model etc… I already have a number of add-ins and scripts that somehow create traceability between models on element, attribute and association level, but I don’t have a tool yet to visualize and manage those traces. To give you an idea the GUI of the thing could look similar to this: Functions could include– ability to…
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Wednesday, 24 August 2016 14:48
Enterprise Business Intelligence with APG ModelFlow and Sparx EA
Written by APG
Many organizations already have or are in the process of building catalogs and inventories of key assets either in office productivity tools like Microsoft Visio® or Excel® or collaboration tools like Microsoft SharePoint®. Managing this contents in such informal tools is very difficult to exploit and maintain. Organizations need a comprehensive, integrated platform for making investment decisions based on a holistic view of the enterprise. Watch this new video to understand how to build an Enterprise Business Intelligence Platform using APG ModelFlow and Sparx Enterprise Architect. Go from spreadsheet to full-fledged modeling in minutes! …
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NEW: Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Workshops from Dunstan Thomas Consulting As an alternative to our traditional classroom style training Dunstan Thomas Consulting now offer a series of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect workshops. These workshops provide all the fundamental practical skills that are necessary in order for you to use Enterprise Architect efficiently and effectively. The emphasis is on the practical rather than the theoretical and we will work with you so that exercises can be tailored to meet your specific modelling requirements. Available Workshops Our current offering of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Workshops include: Getting started with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect workshop…
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Monday, 22 August 2016 09:24
SysML with Enterprise Architect training sessions available in French
Written by Guillaume
I ran a number of times a 3 day training course for a client in the automotive industry on SysML with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect tool to model complex systems. This training course in french involved two instructors: Pascal Roques, a SysML and Systems Engineering expert in France, and myself on modelling and Sparx Enterprise Architect. This training course combines the theory with the SysML modelling language brought by Pascal expertise alongside Enteprise Architect as a SysML modelling tool, brought by Viseo. Enterprise Architect tool is covered throughout the 3 days course to understand its environment, its SysML integration and features, and putting it all in…
Friday, 19 August 2016 18:00
Complimentary Digital Transformation Workshop: Seattle, August 30
Written by RamsayRMillar
Digital Transformation is inevitable, are you ready? Join us in our complimentary workshop to learn what the experts are saying about digital business transformation, and get a personal view of how Next generation Business Architecture and Business Process Management (BPMN, CMMN & DMN) tools and techniques are enabling stakeholders across the organization to bridge gaps and collaborate on the business transformation process Date: Tuesday August 30 Time: 12pm - 4pm Venue: The Big Picture, Seattle, WA, USA Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dmn-bpmn-cmmn-how-to-make-the-most-of-next-generation-bpm-in-your-digital-enterprise-tickets-27011203236
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Thursday, 04 August 2016 01:12
Extended resources available for Enterprise Architect 13 Beta
Written by sparxsystems
In conjunction with the development of Enterprise Architect 13, the team at Sparx Systems have built on the extensive support currently available with the introduction of the new User Guide PDF Library, a completely revamped Learning Center and further refinement of the Enterprise Architect User Guide. Enterprise Architect User Guide: The Enterprise Architect User Guide was completely redeveloped in early 2016 to cater for complete online use; adopting a new, streamlined search and menu function enabled for easier access to the information required to facilitate more effecitve knowledge gathering. Through extensive reseach and testing, the structure of content…
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Report from the first ever Scottish Gathering of Enterprise Architect Users Held in Livingston on Wednesday 8th June 2016 Written by Gillian Adens, Director at Hippo Software In June Hippo Software hosted a local gathering of Enterprise Architect users in Scotland. Forty-five delegates from twenty different organisations signed up to attend this event. This included some delegates travelling from as far afield as London, Nottingham and Northern Ireland as well as lots of delegates travelling the length and breadth of Scotland, coming from Livingston, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hamilton, Perth, Glenrothes and Inverness. For the vast majority of these delegates, this was…
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