News (384)
The News section is used to submit information on all the latest Sparx Systems news, awards, upcoming events, partner offerings and updates. Use this link to submit the latest news, events and examples of Enterprise Architect in the media.
Friday, 14 July 2017 04:56
Industry Spotlight by SD Times: EA in the cloud drives digital shift
Written by sparxsystems
David Rubinstein, Editor in Chief at SD Times, recently interviewed Geoffrey Sparks regarding Enterprise Architecture and how effective collaboration platforms assist in delivery of business value. In this month's SD Times, Sparx Systems is in the industry spotlight, discussing the new Pro-Cloud Server, WebEA and RESTful API for OSLC, as well as the role of dynamic collaboration in digital transformation. In the interview, Geoffrey Sparks, CEO of Sparx Systems, comments "The ability to dynamically create models, collaborate and integrate models over multiple domains and technical platforms is a remarkable and highly agile solution that has the capacity to…
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EXploringEA is pleased to provide an update to our free EA Installation Inspector adding a few potentially useful features for AddIn developers. For more details and to download look at our updated post in the community resources area. For those interested the source code is available at the EXploringEA GitHub. And do let us know if there is other information that you would find useful (and why) and which we could include is this utility - drop me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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On the 30th of June, Catherine Vance was awarded the Sparx Systems Award for her exceptional project work and dedication to her studies at Federation University, Australia. The award was presented at the Faculty of Science and Technology Student Award Ceremony by Sparx Systems' Communications Manager, Scott Hebbard, who noted "I was pleasing to present an award to a student so dedicated and passionate about learning programming and software engineering using Enterprise Architect." On her award win, Catherine has commented: "I would like to thank Sparx Systems for presenting me with the Sparx Systems Pty Ltd award, along…
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Friday, 23 June 2017 19:55
From Data Streams to Models (Research Project from partner: LieberLieber Software and TU Vienna)
Written by Peter Lieber
LieberLieber Software: From Data Streams to Models After completing its first project with a Christian Doppler Laboratory (CDL) at the end of 2016, LieberLieber is now continuing this commitment. Together they seek ways to transform live data streams directly into models within the framework of industry 4.0. The team of CDL-MINT: Polina Patsuk-Bösch, Serap Kadam, Petr Novak, Manuel Wimmer, Alexandra Mazak, Radek Šindelár (f.l.t.r.) After gaining valuable experience in the handling of machine languages found in widespread use in industry applications during an initial cooperation, LieberLieber is making new strides with the new "CDL for Model-Integrated Intelligent Production" (CDL-MINT). "In…
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Monday, 05 June 2017 04:12
Sparx Systems - 2017 SD Times 100: 'Best in Show' in Software Development
Written by sparxsystems
Sparx Systems has once again made it to the 2017 SD Times 100 list in the ALM & Development Tools Category. SD times indicated that "Application life-cycle management needs sound methods coupled with up-to-date tools and platforms for requirements so that teams know what to do and when to do it by. These companies helped developers stick to the plan and avoid falling behind in 2017." Enterprise Architect provides a solid platform for the delivery and support of new applications, services, and technologies, by encouraging and facilitation of increased productivity between development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). Sparx Systems is…
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Wednesday, 10 May 2017 06:43
New Release: LemonTree (c) - Fresh Model Versioning v1.3
Written by Dr. Konrad Wieland
Hello fellow Enterprise Architect user! we are very happy that the new release of EA's diff & merge extension LemonTree (c) by LieberLieber is available. You can request the new version 1.3: http://lemontree.lieberlieber.com Benefit of all features of your version control system by checking in EAP files! But do you already know that LemonTree can also diff DBMS such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQl, etc.? ************* Release notes ************* We regularly provide updates like this to improve LemonTree. Especially this release 1.3 brings improvements in speed and stability. In addition, we have implemented the following improvements:…
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 00:40
Sparx Featured in SD Times: DevOps Driven Digital Transformation
Written by sparxsystems
In an in-depth and illuminating interview with Sparx Systems Founder and CEO Geoffrey Sparks, Alexandra Weber Morales from SD Times identified several key aspects surrounding the company's continued growth in the DevOps space. Geoffrey illustrated how Enterprise Architect provides a solid platform for the delivery and support of new applications, services, and technologies, by encouraging and facilitation of increased productivity between development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). The Sparx CEO also explained the importance of UML as the established standard for software modeling. "Within those organizations that are undergoing digital transformationto improve operational efficiencies (many of whom are…
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Friday, 21 April 2017 06:32
Automated tests for eaUtils, Sparx Enterprise Architect addin
Written by Guillaume
Preparing my presentation at the upcoming EA User Group in London (19/05/2017), I uploaded a video about this subject on Youtube. It provides a first glimpse on the automated test module for Sparx Enterprise Architect addins that I will discuss in detail at the EA User Group London 2017. Click on the following url to open the Youtube video: Automated tests with eaUtils addin for Sparx Enterprise Architect video. There is still time to register at the EA User Group London 2017 from www.eausergroup.com. Please feel free to contact me on guillaume[at]umlchannel.com if you have any question or comment.
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Friday, 31 March 2017 01:52
CIO Review's 20 Most Promising BPM Solution Providers 2017
Written by sparxsystems
In the February edition of CIO Review, Sparx Systems has been recognized by a distinguished panel of CEO's, CIO's, CMO's, VC's, analysts and the CIO Review editorial board, from a select group of over 300 companies as one of the "most promising BPM technology solution providers". First awarded the honor in 2015, this is a continuing recognition of Sparx Systems' ability to provide technology solutions to streamline operations in a faster, less resource-intensive manner, while keeping costs under control. For more information regarding CIO Review's 20 Most Promising BPM Solution Providers - 2017, please view the PDF here. …
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Wednesday, 29 March 2017 05:13
Tools & Techniques for BABOK® Guide v3... Agile Collaboration
Written by sparxsystems
Sparx Systems, together with the International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®), has announced the public Beta release of a reference model for IIBA's Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide v3), supported by Sparx System's Pro Cloud Server and an MDG Technology within Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. Considered as the Ultimate Toolkit for Business Analysts, Sparx System's Tools & Techniques for BABOK Guide v3 has been developed in close conjunction with key stakeholders within the IIBA community, supporting the global business analysis community with improved efficiency and practical real-world modeling examples. Easily accessible from within the browser of any Internet connected…
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Thursday, 23 March 2017 00:40
Sparx Services North America: A New Service Delivery Initiative
Written by sparxsystems
Sparx Systems has responded to an increased demand of sales, training and consultancy services to support North American users of Enterprise Architect. With more than 600,000 effective users globally including over 80% of Fortune 100 firms, Sparx Systems has seen heightened demand and increased adoption of Enterprise Architect by major corporations in the North American region over the last several years. Sparx Services North America offers access to quality support for new and existing customers providing sales, training and consulting services from a single regional point of contact. "Sparx Services North America's proven expertise and close working relationship…
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Enterprise Architect User Group London 2017; 18th - 19th May The London 2017 meeting of the Enterprise Architect User Group sees a shakeup to the agenda in the form of an additional day being added to the roster. In additional to the traditional presentation day of User Stories, How to's etc the extra day added to the event is taking the form of a training day. The training day adds to the event a selection of six, three hour training sessions on a variety of subjects from BPMN to TOGAF and Model Curation. Location Code Node, 10 South Place, London, EC2M…
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Do you know of any EA user deserving of notice? We are profiling high-achieving EA users to promote the great work being done in our industry. We want to interview these people to find out what their background is, how their role has changed, and the unique challenges they are applying EA to. Published on the community site, the profiles aim to promote the achievements of individuals and teams and raise a greater sense of community. A prior example can be read here: http://community.sparxsystems.com/news/979-user-group-attendee-profile-rasheed-amzart Attached is a copy of our interview questions. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to…
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The Pro Cloud Server, coming in Q2 this year will offer enterprises a convenient way to host EA models on their internet or intranet environment, to broaden available access to the model throughout the enterprise. Sparx Systems' web client WebEA will connect to the Pro Cloud Server to provide a mobile view of Enterprise Architect models in real time, fostering collaboration between model authors and stakeholders and supporting access on the move. Discussions when enabled, will be stored in the model to create a seamless vision of stakeholder feedback visible in both the cloud and desktop environments. Entry-level creation of…
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