Community Resources (106)
The Community Resources section may include Enterprise Architect models, scripts, technologies and add-ons. These resources can extend and enrich the Enterprise Architect experience. Use this link to submit innovative tools, models, add-ons and resources that the enterprise architect community may find beneficial.
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 13:28
Qualisist: Powered AI plug-in for Enterprise Architect
Written by Daniel Rodriguez Miguel
Qualisist is an AI-powered add-in for Enterprise Architect, devloped by Sparxs Systems. It started off as scientific research by the University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). It is designed and tested for defining, modelling, and optimising technical requirements, requirements authoring support, reconciliation between requirements models, automated generation of full deliverable, acceptance criteria written as Gherkin test scenarios (syntaxacclaimed by the software development community). The plug-in allows product managers, program managers and business analysts to accurately write software development requirements for developers to follow, minimizing errors and budget overruns. Qualisist is…
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Friday, 16 December 2022 11:57
Create Single Location for Sparx EA Settings & Configuration Files for Multiple Crossover VMs
Written by wikitect
This provides a single file location on the Mac (or Linux?) to hold the Sparx EA configuration, user searches, database error output when used with Codeweavers Crossover. The same principle would work for the 'bare' Wine. When Sparx EA is installed into a Bottle each Bottle is deliberately isolated. This is fine normally but if you've created custom search definitions and later create a new Bottle with Sparx EA this new bottle won't have your custom search definitions. You could copy the file containing the search definitions /Search Data/EA_Search.xml but changes to searches in one bottle won't be reflected in…
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Sunday, 14 November 2021 02:12
High Level Architecture HLA 1516 Evolved MDG Technology
Written by Andrea Rivetta
HLA 1516e MDG Technology for Enterprise Architect 1 Abstract This article describes the content of an Enterprise Architect Model-Driven Generation (MDG) technology of the High Level Architecture (HLA) 1516 evolved framework. It contains: HLA 1516 C++ interface class HLA 1516e Base of Knowledge Forward FOM module XML generation from Enterprise ARchitect model Reverse engineering grammar for creating model from XML FOM HLA 1516e module RPR-FOM v2 modules 2 HLA Background If you know what is HLA you can skip this chapter, while if you are hungry, you can feed yourself reading this one. The High Level Architecture is one standard that defines…
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Thursday, 15 July 2021 07:47
EAPostgresImportfromNativeXML: Enterprise Architect Native XML import to PostgreSQL solution
Written by Guillaume
About Enterprise Architect Native XML Project Transfer Native XML Project Transfer is a feature introduced in Enterprise Architect 15.1. Until then a full project could be transferred via Enterprise Architect Project Transfer between databases (from and to a local EAP file and/or a DBMS). Enterprise Architect Native XML involves a two-step process: Export the source project: generated in the selected target folder, XML files match each Enterprise Architect DB table (e.g. t_attribute, t_object) and contain data in the XML format. Import the XML files and overwrite the target project. Important: Native XML is different from the XMI import/export since it supports the…
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Friday, 22 January 2021 21:05
RIC MDG Technology - Better Functional Requirements for Information System-based Solutions
Written by Dan Tasker
The Problem A project chartered to deliver an IT-based solution typically begins with establishing high-level functional requirements (HLRs) which are eventually followed up with detailed functional requirements (DTRs). The problem is that there have never been clear guidelines for what constitutes ‘high-level’. And when it comes to DTRs, there are no guidelines for how much detail there should be in a given requirement statement, making it difficult to check for overall completeness and/or redundancy. The Solution The solution to the HLR problem is to recognize that there are five fundamental capability types for adding domain-specific functionality on top of…
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Thursday, 02 July 2020 06:03
Prolaborate Data Modelling support to customize forms for DB Reverse models
Written by Guillaume
Data Models generated by reverse engineering an existing Database in Enterprise Architect can be shared dynamically with Prolaborate web solution. This can be useful to provide access to an existing Physical Data Model or "work in progress" database redesign views, and gather feedback via Prolaborate collaborative features (discussions, reviews, etc.). Sparx Enterprise Architect (EA) data models support tables and columns, views, stored procedures, functions from all major DBMS (SQL server, MySQL, Postgres, etc.). This is achieved with built-in stereotyped UML classes, attributes and operations. When such information is shared outside Enterprise Architect tool, it is important to customize or hide unnecessary details for the target users.…
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One of the organisations I support in using Enterprise Architect was encountering problems with deleting elements from a repository. Sometimes modellers deleted elements by accident and in other cases where teams are modelling it was not clear that an element was still used. However there is a model manager who is maintaining the repository content so from an organisational point of view this problem shoud be easy to solve. He suggested that a Wastebin should solve the problem. This wastebin should have the same functionality als the wastebin in Windows. When somebody deletes an element or package it is not…
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Tuesday, 17 March 2020 00:14
Collaboration in Crisis Management and the Value of Standards
Written by sparxsystems
The global collaboration and preventative action currently being demonstrated by world authorities, national governments, multinationals, small businesses, communities, families and individuals to mitigate the rampant spread of COVID -19 through the global population, sets an example of large scale co-operation. In time the spread of the virus will be controlled, as appears to be the status of the outbreak in China, and society will be the wiser for the experience, the learnings of which will be codified in new health, and emergency response standards to support best practice. Action on Human Health According to Bruce Aylward, the World Health Organisation…
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We have developed a MDG for the (Batch) process industry based on ANSI/ISA S88 standard and extended with the capability to create Piping and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) and Functional Block diagrams (FBD). The Physical model Physical model toolbox support in the ISA88 Physical layers like Area, Process cell, Unit, equipment module and control module. For example a Physical elements like a Unit can be part of or shared within a Process cell. The toolbox support in different process flows like liquid, gas and steam. The Physical model and Procedures The Procedure Toolbox support in the development of Procedure models with elements…
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Saturday, 10 August 2019 10:24
Addon for Data Mappings in Sparx Enterprise Architect
Written by Bert Dingemans
Introduction Sparx Enterprise Architect is well known for modelling languages like UML, BPMN and ArchiMate. However creating data models in Sparx Enterprise Architect is also well supported. For example with the database engineering models, the database builder and the possibility to import database structures, XSD models etc. This in combination with the possibility to create Conceptual Data Models in the ArchiMate notation, UML class diagrams for the Logical Data Model makes Enterprise Architect a tool well suited for data modellers and – architects. See for example a simple three layer data model in the image below: Data Mappings…
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See this "Lean Enterprise Architecture Framework (LEAF)" that is created with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and published as html - for providing inspiration to ArchiMate-, BPMN- and UML-modellers. This framework can be used for to support enterprise development from "ideas to production". This framework is aligned with other frameworks and methods such as SAFe and DevOps, and can be used for linking high-level ArchiMate diagrams to BPMN- and UML-diagrams. So this frameworks links "enterprise architecture" to "solution architecture". https://www.hosiaisluoma.fi/blog/sparx-ea/ More information about "Lean way of doing enterprise architecture" here: https://www.hosiaisluoma.fi/blog/lean-enterprise-architecture-method-for-value-chain-based-development-in-public-sector/ More patterns & examples using ArchiMate here: "ArchiMate Cookbook" https://www.hosiaisluoma.fi/blog/archimate-cookbook/ ArchiMate…
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Not all modelling tools properly support conceptual modelling with UML. I have experienced that some open source tools lack support for association classes and n-ary associations. For this reason, I wanted to investigate how the following conceptual model could be implemented with Enterprise Architect (the multiplicity ‘n’ near the student should be *): A notable element in the model is the diamond shape (lozenge) with three associations and an association class. It is an n-ary association. Enterprise Architect user guide describes the n-ary association as follows: “An n-Ary Association element is used to model complex relationships between three or more…
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Monday, 07 January 2019 18:59
Migrating from BizzDesign to Enterprise Architect
Written by Bert Dingemans
Introduction This article outlines how customers can migrate from BizzDesign to Enterprise Architect. Many EAxpertise customers mentioned licence costs and additional factors have made them consider migration. The functionality offered by both tools overlap to a great extend and especially in data modelling Sparx has more functionality than BizzDesign. For one of our customers, we undertook research on the migration options. There are three models in the enterprise architecture: Enterprise Architecture modelled in ArchiMate 3 models. This can be migrateusing the Model Exchange Format standard in the ArchiMate 3 definition. Business processes modelled in BPMN models This can be migrated with the BPMN exchange format. …
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Use the power of modern IDEs and languages like Java, C#, F#, VB, or C++ for your EA Scripting. Here you find everything you need for a quick-start. Develop your solution, let's say a Text to Speech application for selected EA items. Code it in your favourite language with all the benefits of your IDE - the developing, debugging, version control and your life-cycle. In short, professional software development with a state of the art IDE. Just add one line of code in EA VB Scripts to call this Text to Speech application for Browser, Diagram, Model Search. You find…
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