Community Resources

Community Resources (106)

The Community Resources section may include Enterprise Architect models, scripts, technologies and add-ons. These resources can extend and enrich the Enterprise Architect experience. Use this link to submit innovative tools, models, add-ons and resources that the enterprise architect community may find beneficial.

  "VBScript and JScript require the Microsoft Process Debug Manager (PDM.dll) to be installed on the local machine; this is available through various Microsoft products including the free 'Microsoft Script Debugger'" (refer to:   The issue is: Microsoft Script Debugger as is - is depricated and here is the list (not complete for sure), where PDM is part of: * Office 2000-2007 * Visual Studio * Visual Studio Remote Tools (PDM stays installed even after uninstall of the Remote Tools)   Depending on the used operating system of Microsoft you will find Process Debug Manager (PDM.DLL) in the following…
Tuesday, 14 February 2017 08:04

SysML 1.4 reference card

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The SysML reference card defined by Tim Weilkiens ( is now available in a version with diagrams done with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect modelling tool. This overview illustrates SysML modelling language concepts, organized by topic: System context diagram Use case diagram Block Definition diagram SysML ports Internal Block diagram Requirements Packages Sequence diagram Activity diagram State Machines Comments and constraints Allocations Parametric diagram SysML 1.4 reference card is available in the PDF format. Notes: SysML is available in the Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. This reference card is also available in French and provided during…
About RepoDoc is a document generator for Enterprise Architect able to produce a variety of document formats using templates written in any text editor.   How it works RepoDoc takes a document template and a starting package as input. It outputs a plain text document together with repository artifacts specified in the template and taken from the repository. An optional profile may be specified to instruct RepoDoc to post-process the document with a third party software (like Asciidoctor or Pandoc). RepoDoc uses plain text templates and an easy to learn Liquid template language. This allows to output a broad range…
Abstract You have a diagram, and you want to show or hide: Port, Activity Parameter, Action Pin Label of Port, Activity Parameter or Action Pin Type of Port Select the nodes where you want to show or hide, click on the appropriate hoTools Button and hoTools will do the rest.   Description Ports are powerful means to define a structure with specified points of interactions (Ports). The Port type is the specification of the interaction point. It also works for: UML Port SysML Block, Part, Port Activity Parameter (no type hide/show supported) Action Pin (no type hide/show supported) Select: Nothing…
We have often to do with EA models we’ve never seen before. In such cases, you have either to click through the project tree (can be confusing and time-robbing) or you use some pre-defined Model Views. The picture bellow shows how it could look like on your machine when you’ve read the article to the end. The feature could be very helpful also in other situations and we wonder why it’s used so rarely. Using Model Views you can create access points to any elements you want independently from its position in the project browser. It can be compared with…
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 17:03

Industrial Add-in

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At the moment i'm developing an add-in for industrial applications. The idea is to model process flow diagrams, piping & instrumentation diagrams, instrument loop diagrams, etc. Here are some examples:  The profile is ready for several industrial items like vessels, pumps, valves, etc.  If you're interested, want more information or like to participate please contact me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      
Monday, 29 August 2016 12:57

Generic element Auto counter

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Motivation An Enterprise Architect project contains hundreds or thousands of elements. Name of these elements alone are often not enough to uniquely identify them. It is important to mark every element with its own unique code. Enterprise Architect provides the Auto Naming and Auto Counters feature which efficiently generates code elements. The element number is determined by its type, each element type has its own sequence of numbers.   Unfortunately, the numbering according to the types of elements is not always sufficient. We often need sequences derived from first level components. For example, we have other sequence for 'Accounting' component…
Introduction   I've been an EA add-in developer folk since version 9 now and every time Sparx announces to release a new version of EA, I look at it with a smile in one eye and a tear in the other. New features on the one hand allow us developers to deliver add-ins with greater user experience, but on the other hand, it also forces us to keep on track with changes in the API and adapting our yet working solutions to them.   However, the EA release notes coming with every new build give only a subset of API changes…
Wednesday, 06 July 2016 07:42

Enterprise Architect 13 beta preview

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This article provides a preview about the upcoming Enterprise Architect 13, available in its beta version since beginning of June. SparxSystems Enterprise Architect 13 leaflet covers the main enhancements including: Ribbon interface, replacing the traditional menus Links between connectors for a new level of traceability Time Aware Modeling with a package and element Cloning approach SysML simulation with OpenModelica and parametric diagrams Tagged Values support within diagram filters A new "Progress bar" tagged value type Various other enhancements: Direct publishing to Joomla CMS Improved Linux and Mac compatibility Back end repository updates when accessing a shared Enterprise Architect project, hosted on a centralized database with the Security feature…
Abstract Build your EA SQL Query with a tabbed editor. Load and Save it to your file system. Use elaborate Macros to access EA features like #CurrentItemID#, DiagramSelectedElements_IDS#, .. Everything tuned to make it easy and to concentrate at the job of hand. Even Conveyed Items on a connector are easy to handle. Just right click in the Editor and 'Insert Macro, Template, Recent File,..'. You want to use your beloved Editor. Just do it. The SQL are saved to file and hoTools recognizes changes made outside.   Features Tab editing Macros, Insert Macro from a list #Branch#, #Package#,#DiagramElements_IDS#, #DiagramSelectedElements_IDS#, #CurrentItemID#,#CurrentItemGUID# #ConnectorID#,…
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