Community Resources (106)
The Community Resources section may include Enterprise Architect models, scripts, technologies and add-ons. These resources can extend and enrich the Enterprise Architect experience. Use this link to submit innovative tools, models, add-ons and resources that the enterprise architect community may find beneficial.
EA Installation Inspector (Version 4) is a small utility that provides information about the current version of EA and its AddIns. Minor update that may be useful to some. Version 4 (June 2017): Added a form to display a list of classes and methods provided by the AddIn DLL Version 3 (September 2016): Additional registry locations checked for add-in keys Version 2 (November 2015): Searches HKLM as well as HKCU for Sparx keys Provide a pop-up form to make it easier to view detail of an entry The need1. During the development and testing of EA AddIns it is all…
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Abstract:ho_Tools is a powerful "Find and replace" tool for texts in Elements, Diagrams and Packages. You can search recursive from a starting package or globally by a search. It allows simple text search or powerful regular expressions to change name, note and more. ho_Tools easily allows you to find & replace strings in your model. This is done by simple text comparison or with powerful regular expressions.It works on EA elements, Packages and Diagrams and can change:- Name- Note- Tagged Value- ConstraintThere are the following two operating modes:- Search recursive from a selected package- Use an EA Search like…
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Community Resources
Monday, 14 October 2013 05:21
Enterprise Architect to PowerPoint Export Tool
Written by Nicholas Lee Roth
Purpose: Many colleagues do not use MBSE tools and are much more happy reviewing PowerPoint slides. Additionally, sometimes diagrams can be forgotten about through the course of modeling different system aspects and can be affected by changes in element attributes. This tool allows you to quickly export Enterprise Architect diagrams to a PowerPoint artifact for review. Description: The tool is integrated into a base macro-enabled PowerPoint artifact, including a series of visual basic functions to perform the export, while utilizing Geert Bellekens EA Connect model from his Simple VBA Excel to EA Importer. There were minor edits made to his…
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Thursday, 26 September 2013 18:30
Toolset to set linestyle, quick search, search / service on button / keyboard and a lot more
Written by Helmut Ortmann
Abstract:A toolset to make every day life easier. The main functions are: Set line style in diagram by just a click Searches and services at Buttons / Keyboard keys Navigate by click Change Author Change *.xml file of a controlled package Create / update Activity diagram for an operation etc. Description: Quickly set line style to selected Diagram, Elements and/or ConnectorLV= Lateral VerticalLH= Lateral HorizontalTH= Tree Verticaletc., see tooltip Quick search for class, attribute, operation Navigate between structure and behavior Specification (Open the links of file properties, source code, *.xml file) Create Activities and Parameters for operations Searches and services…
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Catch Software is a proud partner of Sparx Systems and is pleased to sell and support their industry-leading UML CASE tool, Enterprise Architect. We love engaging with the Sparx Community, and as part of this, we host User Groups in New Zealand and Australia every two months. If you’ve not attended a User Group before you may not be sure what to expect. User Groups are gatherings held for Enterprise Architect users and enthusiasts. A presentation is given by one or more speakers, followed by group discussions on common interests, challenges and best practice. Here is an overview of the…
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Enterprise Architect comes with very powerful import and export capabilities for models and diagrams. But what we have always been missing is an export format for diagrams that generates really portable vector graphics (and not just Windows-only metafiles). Nowadays, the most suitable candidate for such a graphics format is SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), and so we decided to implement our own Add-In that can export a Enterprise Architect diagram to a SVG file. This Add-In is hereby provided for free-use to the Enterprise Architect Community. Prerequisites The Add-In requires an installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 4. Install the Add-In Exit…
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Wednesday, 05 June 2013 11:05
Changing the Appearance of BPMN 2.0 Elements - A Tagged Value Summary
Written by philchudley
Changing the Appearance of BPMN 2.0 Elements 1 Introduction Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect provides a very rich modelling toolset for Business Process Model and Notation2.0 (BPMN 2.0), which is increasing in popularity particularly amongst Business Analysts. The BPMN 2.0 notation uses a common set of symbols, which have an icon to show their meaning, for example, the type of event that triggers the start of a business process. Each BPMN 2.0 element has a set of tagged values identified by the label BPMN 2.0 in the properties dialog. The value in these tagged values affects the appearance of the associated…
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What BMM is From the OMG website: "The Business Motivation Model specification provides a scheme or structure for developing, communicating, and managing business plans in an organized manner. Specifically, the Business Motivation Model does all of the following: It identifies factors that motivate the establishing of business plans. It identifies and defines the elements of business plans. It indicates how all these factors and elements inter-relate. Among these elements are those that provide governance for and guidance to the business — Business Policies and Business Rules." What BMM is used for As stated above, the main goal of the…
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Community Resources
Friday, 01 March 2013 13:05
Script that creates an RTF document using the DocumentGenerator API
Written by paulusma
Enterprise Architect offers extensive support for generating RTF documents that most of the time will meet your reporting needs. For those who get stuck and are not afraid of some scripting, there is an alternative in the EA.DocumentGenerator API. The attached ZIP file contains the script and 2 RTF templates that show you how generate a document using this API and how to include variable content like the name of the user who created it. To use this script 1) Download the attached file ACME.XML 2) Import this in EA 3) Select the option from the element context menu in…
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Community Resources
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 08:41
Reference of Menu Changes Enterprise Architect 9.x to 10
Written by Dietmar Steinpichler
The reference is provided as an Excel-File in .xls format. You may use Ctrl-F to find the desired menu text.
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Community Resources
Find Usage of an Element The issue: You have an element in Browser Diagram Search Window and you want to see where this element is used. The solution: Right click on the Element (Browser, Diagram, Search Window) Scripts, Element Usage EA lists the usage of the element in the Search Window Which usages are detected? class, instance, object, part type in attribute, operation usage in diagram operation to Sequence, Behavior, Call Action etc. Which repositories are supported? *.eap Oracle SQL Server Installation: Copy hoTools.xml into ...\Sparx System\EA\MDG\Technology Open Scripting View (either in View or in Tools) Create New Scripting Groups…
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Community Resources
Monday, 10 December 2012 10:10
Browser Script for Search in Linked Documents
Written by Dietmar Steinpichler
To implement the script: Open the Scripting window. Add a browser group Add VBScript, choose a name Clear the default content Paste the unzipped script Save, close Usage: Right-Click on any Package/View, Scripts, <your script name>. Slow version does an exact analysis of RTF, can even handle enhancements (bold, underline, italics) within searched words. Faster version will result in wrong positve results if RTF-stuff contains the search item, fastest one will not treat enchancements in words. Enjoy!
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Enterprise Architect supports a UML 2 export, which produces an XML file valid to the OMG’s UML specification. Nevertheless, it is not possible to open it with an UML editor of Eclipse without any modifications, because the Eclipse implementation of the UML2 metamodel differs in some places. We developed an XSLT script, which can be easily added to Enterprise Architect as MDG Technology, for exporting a UML file. This file can be opened and edited directly in Eclipse with traditional tree-based UML editors. Currently, Class Diagrams and simple State Charts are supported. Follow these simple steps if you have…
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Community Resources
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 09:23
Execute a SQL query and return the result in a dictionary of rows
Written by paulusma
The function ExecuteSQL will run a SQL select statement with a variable list of arguments and return a dictionary with the resulting rows. Each row contains itself a dictionary of columns.To test this script create a new 'Normal' script (type VBScript) and replace the contents with the script below. The scripting output window displays a list of classes and usecases in your project with names starting with 'SSS'. option explicit !INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-VBScript mainsub main Dim row, dict Set dict = ExecuteSQL("select * from t_object where name like '{0}' and Object_Type in ({1})", _ "SSS*|'Class','Usecase'") if not dict is…
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